Easter 2007


It is done! Jesus has risen and has won the victory - exactly as Scripture says! You can see His joy here in this picture, a joy in which we can partake! For there will be a time we will be having this same imperishable, heavenly body as He has now (1 Corinthians 15:49) and live with Him - Christ, the first man of a new life-giving creation!" (1 Corinthians 15:45. I translated both scriptures as they are in the German Bible)

"Yes, I am coming soon!" says the Lord
(Revelation 22:20)

This message is the essence of this website and so I wish you all a very blessed resurrection celebration!

Yours truely,

Birgit from WAYS OF LIFE

von Troy Mitchell und Aaron Eby

Verse (Hebrew)
ִשְׁתַּבַּח שִׁמְךָלָעַדמַלְכֵּנוּ
ָאֵל הַמֶּֽלֶךְהַגָּדוֹלוְהַקָּדוֹשׁ
ִשְׁתַּבַּח שִׁמְךָלָעַדמַלְכֵּנוּ

Yishtabach shimcha la'ad malkenu
Ha'el hamelech hagadol vehakadosh
Yishtabach shimcha la'ad malkenu
Bashamayim uva'aretz

Adonai our God and God of our fathers
It is fitting for You to receive
Song and acclamation from now to eternity

Verse (English)
May Your Name be acclaimed forever our King
The God and King Who is great and holy
May Your Name be acclaimed forever our King
In the heavens and in the earth

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