Chag HaAtzma'ut Sameach!
Congratulations in the 63. Birthday!
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel
and ask Adonai for His abundant blessings!
Watch today's report on JerusalemOnline above!
Jerusalem is already ours
Ryan Jones, israel today, May 01, 2011
While Israelis from the right and left of the political spectrum argue over the future of Jerusalem, Palestinian leaders say the eastern half of the holy city is already in their hands.
In his weekly radio address last week, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad announced that his government would soon resume administrative duties in eastern Jerusalem neighborhoods.
Fayyad noted that the PA had already allocated half-a-million dollars to altering the curriculum in Arab schools in Jerusalem, and that it would also bolster health and judicial services.
The move is a direct violation of the Palestinians' signed agreements with Israel, which prohibit Palestinian administrative activity in Jerusalem. It is seen as part of the new Palestinian Authority strategy of unilaterally seizing control of the lands it claims and winning international backing for sovereignty over them.
Of special concern are the changes to the curriculum in Arab schools. The new textbooks that Fayyad's government is bringing in deny the Jews' right to live in Israel and even contain excerpts of the infamous Czarist blood libel The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Fayyad claimed that with eastern Jerusalem in Palestinians hands, the city would become a symbol of peace and coexistence, but the schoolbook changes in particular show that the Palestinians are only interested in sowing the seeds of hate and continued conflict.
On March 31, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented himself in
a live interview to a worldwide audience answering several questions!This is how supposedly intelligent people prepare "Israel Apardheit Week" all over the world... What a shame!!! This is how it all began also in 1933 - Jews were dehumanized and the Holocaust could take place...
I mean, c'mon - where have we seen this else in the world that devided cities are being tolerated? Everywhere one sees to bring devided cities back together again - best example, my very own German capital Berlin!!! Yet here in this case it is officially being tempted to devide a several thousand years old city which has always been Jewish, even though it was not always the capital and was at times reigned by others. And this only because the Palastinians want to erect "their" state which officially has never existed, just as the Palastinians as a people have never existed!! Read more detailed here.
We definitely are living in times of which God says in Isaia 5:20, "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." Like this, truth is nowadays being called lie and lie truth.
But Adonai, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will stand by Israel and will not allow that what the world, led by evil, has in mind! Read Zechariah 12-14!
UN to Israel: Surrender!
Ryan Jones, israel today, March 30, 2011
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday reiterated that the world body expects Israel to immediately surrender to internationally-backed Arab demands that it relinquish all claims to the Jews’ biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria and half of their ancient capital of Jerusalem.
The Jewish presence in the so-called “West Bank,” which includes the eastern half of Jerusalem, is “morally and politically unsustainable, and must end,” Ban insisted during a press conference in Uruguay.
Meanwhile, the Palestinians are moving forward plans to unilaterally declare an independent state with the support of the UN, outside the framework of a land-for-peace deal with Israel.
Palestinian leaders indicated that they will make such a move later this year. The motion is almost certain to be shot down in the UN Security Council, where the US exercises veto power, but will be widely adopted by the UN General Assembly, which most will see as more than adequate for “Palestine” to be declared a state.
Israeli officials are busy lobbying various nations against supporting this move. But diplomats fear their efforts are bearing little fruit, since Israel is not presenting any kind of alternative plan or process.
Many within Israel are urging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop playing the diplomatic game by the Arab world’s rules, and to instead begin insisting that the UN approach the peace process from the viewpoint that the West Bank and Jerusalem are disputed territories, where Jews have just as much, if not more, claim than local Palestinian Arabs.
But it is likely too late for that. And if it comes down to the UN General Assembly recognizing “Palestine,” Israel may be forced into desperate action.
An unnamed Israeli official told the Associated Press on Tuesday that if the Palestinians seek recognition of their sovereignty in the UN, Israel may annex the parts of the West Bank most populated by Jews - the much-maligned “settlement blocs.”
Israel already annexed the eastern half of Jerusalem decades ago, but that decision is all but ignored by the international community.
Facebook page calls for "Third Intifada"
Newsletter of ICEJ, March 28, 2011
A Facebook page calling for a "Third Palestinian intifada" is currently gaining an increasing number of supporters with over 330,000 "likes" since it was initially set up. The page states that "the neighboring country will start a march to Palestine on the 15th of May. After that, all the Muslim countries will soon march, and Palestine will be liberated." In addition a quotation from the Hadith which states "the hour of redemption does not come until the Muslim fight the Jews and even the stones and trees say, O Muslim, a Jew is behind me, so kill him," was also found on the page. Last week, Yuli Edelstein Diaspora Affairs and Public Diplomacy Minister sent a letter to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg asking him to remove the page, but Facebook declined.
Woman Killed in Jerusalem Bomb Attack was Wycliffe Bible Translator
by Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN, March 28, 2011
"'She was in Israel for six months studying Hebrew in order to go back to Togo to translate the Old Testament. Mary was an extremely popular and competent colleague and we valued her very highly. She will be sorely missed by her ex-pat colleagues and colleagues from Togo.'" -Eddie Arthur, Executive Director, Wycliffe
(Jerusalem, Israel)Wycliffe Bible Translators are sad to announce the death of their member Mary Gardner in a terrorist explosion in Jerusalem on 23 March 2011, where she was studying Hebrew at The Home for Bible Translators.
Mary GardnerAccording to BBC News reports: "Ms. Gardner, an evangelical Christian and Bible translator, leaves behind her parents who live in Orkney, according to the Press Association. She had spent much of her life living in Togo, West Africa, where she worked for Wycliffe Bible Translators.
"Executive director Eddie Arthur described her as a 'lovely lady who was very popular'. He said: 'Mary worked with Wycliffe in Togo since 1989 where she was part of a team translating the New Testament into a language called Ife. The New Testament was finished in 2009 and Mary had then gone on to work helping other people.
"She was in Israel for six months studying Hebrew in order to go back to Togo to translate the Old Testament. Mary was an extremely popular and competent colleague and we valued her very highly. She will be sorely missed by her ex-pat colleagues and colleagues from Togo."
1 dead, 50 wounded in Jerusalem bombing
Ryan Jones, israel today, Wednesday, March 23, 2011 |
Large-scale terrorism returned to the streets of Jerusalem Wednesday afternoon when a powerful bomb was set off at a crowded bus stop near the downtown Central Bus Station, killing one person and wounding up to 50 others. The one fatality, who died of her wounds at a Jerusalem hospital following emergency surgery, was later identified as a British tourist. Three other victims were listed in serious condition. |
Security officials said the bomb was planted inside a bag at the base of a telephone booth next to the bus stop. They are still unsure how the bomb was set off - whether it was on a timer or was detonated by remote control - but one thing is clear: the terrorist managed to escape the scene.
Roadblocks were immediately set up around Jerusalem in an effort to capture the terrorist and any accomplices.
The bombing is the first large-scale terrorist attack to hit Jerusalem since the spate of bulldozer and car ramming attacks during the latter half of 2008.
51 mortar shells fired within 40 minutes
Taken from the newsletter israel today, March 20, 2011
More than 50 mortar shells fell in the southern part of Israel as Hamas sought to maim and kill innocent Jews. This assault on civilians in Israel took place on Saturday, the Sabbath day when most Israelis are resting, and hours before the celebration of Purim was to begin.
The shells were fired from the Hamas controlled territory of the Gaza Strip. Hamas was voted into power by the people of the Gaza Strip and has reigned with an iron hand ever since, even killing fellow Palestinians and members of the other dominate political party, Fatah.
Thankfully there were no serious injuries from the barrage of mortar fire that rained down within a 15 minute period. Two people, however, were slightly injured with shrapnel from one of the rockets as they were entering a bomb shelter.
ICEJ statement on Itamar massacre by Rev. Malcolm Hedding
(executive director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem).Family massacre in the town of Itamar
March 13, 2011.
A cowardish butchered of an Israeli family while sleeping, including three small children, the youngest being three months old. The Palestinian attackers could escape. Read here an article by ynet news. And in the streets of Gaza, candy was handed out in rejoycement. WHEN WILL THE WORLD UNDERSTAND AT LAST????
Family Fogel, both parents and their three children who were also killed.
The following article contains disturbing photos - not appropriate for children, authorized
by the Fogel family and PM Binyamin Netanyahu, to show the world what is really happening:
Pictures of the Fogel family massacre
Mideast revolutions will lead
to Israel's demise
Ryan Jones, Israel Today, March 06, 2011 |
US President Barack Obama, whose administration is red-faced over failing to predict the revolutions sweeping the Middle East, is now trying to paint the situation as positive for Israel.
The forces taking over in Egypt “should be naturally aligned with Israel,” Obama naively told a gathering of Democratic donors in Miami on Friday. “I’m actually confident that 10 years from now we’re going to be able to look back potentially and say this was the dawning of an entirely new and better era.”
Obama continues to downplay comparisons with what is happening now in the Middle East and the Iranian pro-democracy revolution in 1979 that gave rise to the Islamic Republic. The White House has also all but ignored the return of Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi to Egypt after decades of exile.
But the Palestinians are paying attention, and have not shied away from acknowledging that the changes in the Middle East are actually more likely to reestablish a united Arab front against Israel.
In fact, that is precisely what Israel’s so-called “peace partners” are hoping for.
The Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida revealed in an editorial last week that once the pro-democracy revolutions across the Middle East reach their conclusion, a newly empowered Arab nation will turn its hostile gaze on Israel.
“The symbol of the glory and dignity of the Arab masses is the conflict with Israel and its allies, following their escape from regimes which oppressed them, impoverished them, starved them, and which acted as a barrier between them and the stopping of the Zionist enterprise,” read the article.
Nor will America escape that wave of rage.
“The Palestinian people, with its long history of resistance, knows that the Arab nations will soon begin to chant their old slogans, including, ‘America is the head of the snake,’” the newspaper opined, adding that Obama apparently forgets “that the world is changing, and is no longer a hostage to American interests.”
Hamas and Fatah oppose Holocaust education
Newsletter of ICEJ, March 2, 2011
Rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah said Tuesday that teaching about the Holocaust in the West Bank and Gaza Strip was a "provocative act" and they would oppose any attempt to teach about the Holocaust in UNRWA-run schools. The Hamas government accused UNRWA promoting a political agenda, which "violates their culture and unchangeable values" as Palestinians. Hamas also fears it would pave the way for normalization with Israel. Zakariya al-Agha, a senior Fatah official in the Gaza Strip and head of the PLO "refugee department," said he was also opposed to teaching the Holocaust in Palestinian schools.
Israel blamed for unrest in Arab world
Ryan Jones, Israel News, March 02, 2011
Saleh claimed that the US is actually aiding and directing the mounting demonstrations against his regime, but that the “Zionists” are ultimately pulling the strings.
It was only a matter of time before Arab leaders and Islamic figures started accusing Israel of being behind the unrest sweeping the Middle East.
“I am going to reveal a secret,” the embattled president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, told supporters on Tuesday. “There is an operations room in Tel Aviv with the aim of destabilizing the Arab world. The operations room is in Tel Aviv and run by the White House.”
“We say that this is a Zionist agenda,” declared Saleh, insisting that pro-democracy revolutions across the region are part of a “conspiracy that serves Israel and the Zionists.”
Yemen is a major battleground in the war against Al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden’s group would love to be able to establish a firm stronghold in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. Until now, Saleh had been allied with the US in preventing this outcome.
The Yemeni president’s accusations were echoed by American Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan during the annual gathering of his Nation of Islam near Chicago on Tuesday.
Farrakhan publicly urged US President Barack Obama to not allow the “Zionists to push you to mount a military offensive” against the crumbling regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who has been slaughtering demonstrators in an effort to hang on to power.
Farrakhan said Gaddafi is “my brother,” and insisted the Libyans must be left to work out their problems on their own. He insisted that the only people who benefit from the turmoil in the Middle East are the Zionists, who, according to Farrakhan, “dominate the government of the United States of America and her banking system.”
For good measure, Farrakhan, who is African-American, accused Jews of having been “disproportionately involved in the slave trade.”
Farrakhan was adamant that he has nothing personal against the Jews, but said it is his duty to “pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again.”
Israel Apartheid Week to start worldwide on Tuesday
Newsletter of ICEJ, February 28, 2011
Israeli Apartheid Week, involving thousands of activists on University campuses around the world and including lectures, film screenings, parties and protests equating Israel's treatment of Palestinians and Arabs with white minority-rule in South Africa, will begin Tuesday morning. The event, initiated in 2005 by the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Solidarity) campaign in the UK, will be marked this year in 55 cities around the world, mostly in Europe and North America. The stated goal of the campaign is to increase Israel's diplomatic and political isolation in an effort to bring pressure on the Jewish State to retreat from the West Bank and Golan Heights, dismantle the separation barrier erected to stop terrorist attacks into Israel and allow Palestinian 'refugees" from the 1948 and 1967 conflicts, including the children and grandchildren of those who originally fled, to enter Israel and have full citizenship in a bi-national state.
To visit the website of a Pro-Israel organization planning counter-activities, click HERE
A Word to the Wise
A response to the widening unrest across the Middle East
Rev. Malcolm Hedding, executive Director of ICEJ, February 16th, 2011
![]() Clashes in Cairo (AP) |
Events unfolding in Egypt on February 11th have been welcomed all over the world as they should be. The young, but leaderless, people of Egypt have demanded a true democratic form of government with all the freedoms that other nations, embracing this form of governance, enjoy. Having lived for thirty years under the heel of dictatorial rule they deserve it as do all the other peoples of the region. However, once the euphoria of Mubarak’s departure has died down the real process in this regard will begin to unfold and it is not a given that real democracy will replace the fallen rule of the Mubarak regime. Waiting in the wings, as we all know, are jihadist Islamic groups that want to seize power and move the wider region toward their goal and dream of a new Caliphate! The Muslim Brotherhood are shrewd operators and will not immediately seize |
Europe starts process of recognizing Palestine
Ryan Jones, Israel Today, January 26, 2011
Ireland on Tuesday decided to upgrade the status of the Palestinian Authority diplomatic delegation in Dublin, starting what many in Israel fear will be a domino effect leading to the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian Arab state.
Irish officials stressed that the PA delegation was not being upgraded to a full embassy, but rather a diplomatic mission, and that Dublin was not recognizing “Palestine” as an independent state.
Still, the move does mean that the head of the PA delegation will now be referred to as “ambassador” and will present credentials to the Irish president just like a real ambassador. So while Ireland is playing a game of semantics, the reality “on the ground” is that the Palestinian Authority will be represented as an independent national entity in Europe.
Israeli officials were furious.
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon warned that these de facto recognitions of a Palestinian state were putting bilateral peace further out of reach, and were actually advancing another onset of violence.
“Unilateral steps are creating a bubble of expectation for the Palestinians. We can see an obvious connection to the recent spate of recognition and a hardening of the Palestinian position,” said Ayalon. “We all know that bubbles eventually burst and it is negligent to contribute to this unsustainable policy.”
Ayalon was referring to the new trend in Latin America to recognize a Palestinian state in all of Judea and Samaria. Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Peru all have done so over the past few months.
I can only shake my head in disbelief... How absurd will things still get???
Arab world in uproar over Zionist spy birds
Ryan Jones, Israel Today, January 04, 2011
Israel’s Ma’ariv daily newspaper reported on Tuesday that Saudi Arabian officials have “arrested” a wounded vulture that landed in a rural area of the country wearing a transmitter and a leg bracelet etched with the words “Tel Aviv University.”
The bird is part of ongoing long-term research into bird migration patterns, but the residents of Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries had far more fanciful ideas. For them, this bird is a winged Zionist spy, and the transmitter he was wearing was sending vital classified information back to the “Zionist regime.”
Saudi Arabia’s Al Weeam newspaper was the first to report about the incident. It noted that the vulture had landed near the house of a local sheikh, and was not afraid of people. The reporter and the people he interviewed asserted that the aggressive nature of the bird and the foul odor that came out of its mouth were evidence of a Zionist plot, rather than tell-tale signs that this was in fact a vulture.
That article led to an explosion of comments on Arabic news websites and online forums, where people across the region were convinced that “the Zionists” had somehow trained the beasts of the wild to do their bidding.
Iran’s Tabnak news agency said as much when it reported that “spy personnel number of X63 [the identification number on the bird’s leg bracelet] leaves no doubt that other birds are going to be sent by the Zionist regime for espionage against Saudi Arabia and other countries.”
The story of the spy bird comes just weeks after Egyptian officials claimed that a string of shark attacks at resorts in the Sinai Peninsula were the work of Israel’s Mossad spy agency.