Iranians coming to Christ in great numbers!
German Evangelical News Agency idea, March 26, 2010

Mahim Mousapour: Empowering the democratic movement

Bonn/Teheran (idea) – In the Iranian capital of Tehran, thousands of Muslims have become Christians these past months. They gather illegally in house churches.

Mahim Mousapour, an Iranian pastor living in exile in Frankfurt, Germany, gave this information on the annual meeting of the International Society for Human Rights (Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte, IGFM) on March 26 in Bonn. In her view, these faith decisions are a consequence of the political

pressure by the Islamic regime. "The Iranian government wants to destroy the Christian faith," Mousapour said. Yet at such a rate the pressure increases, people are having unexpected faith experiences. "Jesus Christ encounters them in their dreams," she was told by friends in Iran. Thus, drug addicts are being delivered from their addictions the same as sick people are getting immediatley healed. More and more young Christians get encouraged and are talking publically about their experiences. Mrs Mousapour estimates that more than 100.000 Christians are living in Tehran alone. The interest in Christian faith is alltogether strongly on the rise in the Islamic nation, although "the falling away from Islam" is forbidden. Christians have no chance of making professional careers, neither at public authorities nor at commercial companies. Baptisms are also forbidden, as is the call "halleluyah". Whoever is doing it anyway, has to count on being arrested. President Mahmud Ahmadinejad shortly ago offended Christians massively when declaring that he will tear off the head of the dove – the symbol of the Holy Spirit. Mousapour criticized the fact that Muslims who had converted to Christianity are being arrested on no grounds and are tortured. The whereabouts of many of them cannot be traced.