The Outpouring is Going
to the Nations!
Stephen Strader, July 19, 2008
Todd Bentley announced that the OUTPOURING
is going to the nations!!!
The OUTPOURING meetings will continue in Lakeland with Pastor Stephen Strader of the Ignited Church and Todd will began to travel to key cities throughout the USA and the world beginning August 23!
We encourage everyone who can to get into as many of these final services in the TENT! We believe that there will be a special anointing to CONTINUE the LAKELAND OUTPOURING as well as to RELEASE OUTPOURINGS all over the world!
You can see specific dates that Todd will be in and out of the LAKELAND OUTPOURING as well as cities throughout the globe!
Beginning THIS Sunday, July 20th, Stephen will begin working with Todd on the transition of the LAKELAND OUTPOURING.
Stephen will be speaking in the TENT this Sunday night!!!
You can go to and click on 10am or 7pm to see the LAKELAND OUTPOURING services LIVE!
Each morning at 10am E.S.T. features speakers from all over the world who have been impacted by the anointing!
Each evening at 7pm E.S.T. either Todd, Stephen, or one of the associates of FFM will be speaking.
The website will direct you to the LAKELAND OUTPOURING webcast broadcasts. God TV webcast will direct you to where ever Todd is speaking in the world.
Both Ignited Church Media and God TV will continue to host archives of previous services so you can experience the OUTPOURINGS from both LAKELAND and around the world!
Pastor Stephen Strader