Ignited Church - Fresh Fire - The Florida Outouring - How It All Began
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Florida Healing Outpouring
Revival in Lakeland, Florida
Reports and Infos
Those who can’t visit Lakeland should be encouraged to know that God doesn’t
require evangelists to wear three-piece suits or to have impressive theological degrees.
He uses nobodies. If anything is obvious from the Lakeland revival, it is that God
wants to anoint and empower ordinary peopleeven those who dropped out of
school or got messed up in drugsto take His radical love to a world that is
desperate to see the raw power of God.- J. Lee Grady, Charisma Magazine
June 24, 2008
Watch the meeting of June 23, 2008, where Todd's ministry was being confirmed in a special part of the service by several renowned prophets and evangelists. You'll find it as "Video on demand" in "Florida Outpouring Healing" of GodTV,
June 10, 2008
Until my last entry, I was watching almost every day both meetings.... which means around 8 hours per day...!!! Well, I have things to do here too (!!), this is why I stopped for a while. But you go on watching! Whatever important information I will supply here.
May 14, 2008
Bob Jones and Bobby Connors were both there.These meeting are "explosive": the further they spread,the stronger they get!
Pastor Trevor from Dudley, England came back here, after he was already here some weeks ago to take the fire back home. Ever since, a big outpouring broke out in his church, exactly as the prophecies said. Bob Jones confirmed this fire and a wide range revival in the UK!
Rob DeLuca had a vision: He saw Jesus getting up from his throne, putting His crown on the armrest, taking off a ring of His finger and putting it on His bride's finger. She was weeping as she saw her dress being torn. Jesus sytretched out His hand and the dress was immediately mended! - What is happening here is the preparation of the wedding!
The over 50-years- old are being called out!!!
Something has been opened that won't be closed down anymore.
This 3rd wave is a wave of commitment which will lead us into a spiritual maturity.
May 13, 2008
Bob Jones announced his visit for tuesday and wednesday. Something special is in the air.Tonight seems to be a special worship night. Todd is blessing teenage boys and girls with a special anointing. Then a special anointing for our brethren from hispanic churches.
The anointing is falling in Egypt, Libanon and other Middle Eastern countries. Israelis and brethren of Arab nations are standing side by side on the platform - what a sight!!! Thank you Father!!!
An open vision for 3 people in Pakistan!!!
An elderly man who had to be carried up the stairs last nigth with terminal cancer, walked 2 miles today!!!
Again many people coming out of their wheel chairs!!!
May 11, 2008
I have embedded the video of today's event as it contains an important message. Excerpts of it I have copied in a sublink. See both to your left.
May 10, 2008
Again such a fantastic worship time! God's presences is different each time, yet so overwhelming!GodTV has received funds to also transmit next week!
An Arab TV station is interested in the broadcasts!!!
Another worship sets in for the greatest man ever to live on this earth: JESUS!!!! The more the event proceeds, the more intense His holiness can be felt!!
A woman who was diagnosed with MS since 2001, get out her wheelchair, jumping around the stage weeping for joy! Many morepeoplegetoff their wheelchairs!
Read pastor Stephen's notes to your left -
God is giving so many healings tonightlikenever before! Thelines before the stage are so long now that not everbody can be heard. The blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk--- just as Jesus said!!!Tens of thousands of emails and letters from the people here with prayer requests are being collected in crates on a table.
Several hundreds of people flock to the front giving their lives to Christ! While pastors and ministers take them to the side to pray with them, Todd anoints the piles of emails and letters with oil and together the other pastors prays over them. After that, the emails and letters are being thrown into a big safety barrel and burnt in huge flames. Overwhelming! Lord, please answer every single one, thank you Jesus!
May 9, 2008
Wow--- Claudio Freidzon from Argentina came! He was one of the leaders of great revival there.Last week,Todd had spoken out a word of knowledge for healing for someone that in younger years had a horse hitting them in the face. Noone responded. Just now, a German woman came forward - it was her! She came flying in to Lakeland from Germany just to give testimony. All remaining injuries gone!!!
A baby girl that was born with a brain damage because her mom had taken crack, suddenly sat up some days ago before TV, when Todd had the word of knowledge for a brain damage being healed. they went to see her doctor who found absolutely no faultin her brain anymore!!!
Two hours of worship... As deep as just right now, I have never experienced it before!! I don't find words for it... whoever is reading this and doesn't know things like this--- GIVE YOURSELF TO JESUS!!! You will come close to what heaven is like---nothing is like this, it is ever so overwhelming!!!
May 8, 2008
What a holiness this evening while worshipping... The fire of God is falling again! The hunger for revival is getting more and more intense! God's presence is here!Todd is once again calling the attention on the importance on putting Jesus before anything else - IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS!!!
Today seems to be the evening of the foresaken wheelchairs! I lost count of how many people are able to walk again - hallelujah!!!
Literally hundreds are coming forward with their cell phones and someone on it who needs of healing. Difficult to count all those that have received their healing!
I just decided to link the video of this meeting! Look to your left under today's date.
May 7, 2008
Coming Friday and Saturday, the meetings will take place open air at the Lakeland airport area!Todd received an impression that someone will be resurrected from death. Shortly after that, he got a phone call telling him that people were praying at the open casket of a young girl that had died shortly before. Todd asks people to pray in the room and at the screens. About half an hour later, another phone call from that same person telling that the legs of that girl started warming up!!!
Go out into the streets, shopping malls or restaurants, telling people about Jesus and lead them to HIM!!!
Write your prayer needs to prayer@ignitedchurch.com, or if you just want to have the fire. Coming friday all those emails will be printed out and prayed over directly in the meeting, annointing them with oil.
A special call for Russia - revival will spread there!
Some time ago, Rob DeLuca had a word for an inmate. Today, this inmate sent him an email telling of people coming to faith in his prison!
May 6, 2008
"You have to want Jesus more than anything, more than any miracle, than any sign!" - Todd, todayLast night, Holland and Germany were explicitly called out - people from both our countries there were blessed to bring revival here!!! So now, it will also start here!!!
Imagine, beginning of Aprilthey started in a church with 700 seats, last weekend at that stadium they were 12.000!!!
May 5, 2008
Two nights ago, a man came with a loaded gun wanting to kill himself - God hindered him!Paul Caine and James Goll were there.
People are being delivered and 2 deads were being resurrected sofar! People getting out their wheel chairs! Wow! Read pastor Stephen's notes.
May 3rd, 2008
Yesterday, the Tiger Stadium was fully packed in its first evening. The meetings will be held there until tomorrow, May 4 and then return to the Convention Center.Because of the time difference of 6 hours here in Germany, during the past 3 weeks I never got to bed before 5am and my body is starting to feel this! So for the next few days, I won't be watching life. But the stream is here for you and you can also always read pastor Stephen's notes to your left.
The world is getting alert: Local TV station Tampabay10 reports on their "News at Eleven"! Reporter Melanie Brooks experienced a healing herself: her terrible migraine headaches disappeared after being prayed for, which she first did out of pure curiosity and then got overwhelmed!
April 30, 2008
Bewteen friday and sunday, meetings will take place at Tiger BAseball Stadium.As to pastor Rob DeLuca's (who will be guest in tonights meeting) prophecy, there is an outpouring brea<king through in the UK, www.revivalfires.org.uk, as well as in several places of the US!
April 29, 2008
Steve Hill and John Kilpatrick were there speaking and praying for Todd.The Convention Center was packed last night!!!
X-Rays photos of the little girl's broken ellbow - before and after it got helaed!
April 27, 2008
NBC-News announced its visit for tmorrow! Please pray!!, founder of GodTV, is present right now! A lady has promised to donate the money for next week's transmission!!!
Just now came the news: as of coming Monday, they will be moving again: to the Lakeland Convention Center with over 8000 seats!!!
Last night at the 2nd meeting in this bigger venue, again about 500 people had to stay outside. A pity for them, but isn't this impact of this revival just fantastic?!!!
Please make sure you read the headwords by pastor Stephen, for again, there were a lot of most amazing testimonies!
April 25, 2008
Last night's first meeting at Auburndale's Life Church that is more than double the size, was completely full!!!Steve Hill. John Kilpatrick, Lindell Cooley and John Arnott have announced their visit to this outpouring!
April 23, 2008
Twice daily meetings in Lakeland, Fla., move into fourth straight week of revival.
Prophetic word given to Todd Bentley in Australia by New Zealand pastor Rob DeLuca 3 weeks prior before outpouring in Florida broke out!
The world is getting alert!
Article about the outpouring as of April 19, 2008 in the online edition of the local newspaper
"The Ledger" in Lakeland.
Prophecy received by Wendy Alec, co-founder of GodTV
April 24, 2008
Just heard Todd saying that coming Thursday, April 24, they will be
going to move into a bigger venue as this present building bursts at all
seams! Fire marshal even closed doors, preventing more people from coming in fpr security reasons.
![]() related to them in the online Communication group InJesus: "Ablaze International" In the same online group onformationen from |
March 25, 2009
In the course of his restoration process, Todd Bentley has relocated to Rick Joyner's MorningStar Ministries. Together with Bill Johnson and Jack Deere they have decided to publish a weekly video update, on the grounds that Todd's failure happened publically literally before the eyes of the whole world, which has unsettled and also hurt many people. So they agreed that in this special case, public updates will be more than fair toward those people. For what God has given in Lakeland, and what has spread in the meantime beyond Lakeland's range, can never be destroyed by the failure of a person! People were healed and saved and this is what ultimately counts!At first I was reluctant to link to these updates. But after having watched the first ones, I pretty much like the idea, for things are very honest and sensitively transparent. Not to mention the fact that in each session Jesus' love is very evident not to judge a fallen person, but to help him rise up again. As Rick Joyner says: "God does not forgive our excuses, but our sins". And according to Galatians 6:1, people who have sinned, shall be restored lovingly so that after the healing they will be able to resume the call God had originally given them. Our God is a God of second chances which we should not despise, for everyone of us can fall into a situation where they are in need of just this kind of restoration.
January 23rd, 2009
Latest update from FreshFireMinistries.
Dezember 29, 2008
Big New Year's Event at Ignited Church: Roy Fields will be leading worship and preach and there will be a special guest! He'll also be leading the event on January 1st. From January 2nd to 4th, Catherine Mullins will be leading worship and Frank Seamster will preach. All events can be watched live on iworshiphere!
November 8, 2008
Bill Johnson has written a letter on behalf of the Revival Alliance concerning the latest info on Todd Bently. I will definitely not search and display all "lastests" on him. Yet this letter will give everyone who is truly saddened for Todd, information that can guide their prayers in the long run for everyone involved. And so this will be my latest upload on this sad matter, unless there will be some crucial changes.
October 2, 2008
I just had Pastor Stephen's letter coming in talking about transitions
of the Outpouring services. Please read.
September 26, 2008
This is a personal message from Rory and Wendy Alec, the founders of
GodTV, concerning Lakeland. Also they are reacting in the one and only
possible godly way. Please read and find that God's move was and is real
and has brought forward quite some "offsprings" that GodTV is
now broadcasting too!
September 18, 2008
Two fantastic video messages on the religious spirit concerning the ongoings
around Todd Bentley. Please take the time to listen. This is how it should always be!
1) Bill Johnson talks so well about the fall of a man of God and about
the only right way of handling it.
2) Patricia King has a wonderful video message in 7 parts about the same issue
from another perspective. Click on the parts of "When leaders fall"
August 29, 2008
Day 150!!! Starting with a worshiptime that gets deeper and deeper by the time (despite some technical disturbances...) and ends in a complete Holiness... Then Pastor Stephen preaches a sermon that can't be clearer than what he says!
August 22, 2008
Here we have Pastor Stephen's latest letter, informing of a new schedule and,
the most important info: THE OUTPOURING CONTINUES!!!
August 21, 2008
Information was given last night that the BBC will be present at Ignited Church today at 1:30pm local EST for their evangelization training. They are said to also be present afterwards when going into the streets. Click here at the given time.
August 16, 2008
When the devil strikes, it is never "just like that"... and so I am saddened to inform you of broader effects of the attack satan has landed. But I seriously ask each one of you not to simply judge, but to humbly pray - not to simply generalize, faultfind and close eyes before God given facts (concerning all around the outpourings themselves), but to see what GOD has done (through the outpourings), not what man has wronged. No-one of us is immune from falling into whatever trap of the enemy. Each one of us will know where our own weak spots are. So please no judgement, just prayers!!! Here is the latest letter of FreshFire's Board of Directors.
August 14, 2008
Dr. Clarice Fluitt is holding the meetings these days at Ignited Church - she speaks in an extraordinarily happy, humorous and at the same time totally annointed way!
August 13, 2008
Urgent Prayer request regarding Todd... We have two sad letters by each GodTV
and Fresh Fries Ministries. Please read and storm Heaven's doors! The enemy
has struck real bad here, but he won't win, because he is defeated!!!
Remember coming Wednesday August 13, Todd's last official meeting at Ignited!
August 10, 2008
I just had a short email message from Pastor Stephen:
Dear Family and Friends
Come to www.ignitedchurch.com CLICK on outpouring... download iWorshipHere.com
The Outpouring continues nightly 7pm E.S.T. nightly, and Sunday through Friday 10am. We are reserving Saturday morning for special training classes that will be announced soon.
The line up of speakers is amazing!!! Many of your favorites will be joining us!!! You will meet some brand new faces as well!!!
Please let us know that you are watching!!!
Pastor Stephen
August 7, 2008
Yesterday, August 6, Todd officially passed the leadership of the Lakeland Healing Outpouring to Pastor Stephen and Ignited Church. It was sad... but at the same time, the Holy Spirit moved so mightily that it was clear that it will go on - just differently. Even Todd stood there and was barely able to withhold his tears. Yet God is leading him now to cities, countries and continents in order impart HIS glory! So this is definitely not the end, but as it was being prophezised at the beginning, this is a worldwide revival! Next week, Todd will hold one more meeting at Ignited Church and thereafter, will come back every now and then on a visiting base.
In Lakeland itself things will go on as usual, so twice a day for the time being. It will also be braodcast. Ignited has founded an alliance with 5 local churches who will officially be working together now in this revival. God has used Todd to dig a well in Lakeland and waters will continue to flow from there.
Thank you, Father for what you have done in Lakeland these past months! In so many places of the world the fire has already been imparted and it will go on even bigger and more powerful! Tens of thousands will get to know you, Jesus and get saved! Tens of thousand will continue to get healed! Millions will worship you, for you are great, you are the only One, you are the truth! Thank you Lord for showing us your glory! Father, continue to bless Todd, give him wisdom, stamina, power of forgiveness. Protect him and his family. And please Lord, bless Pastor Stephen and Ignited Church. I thank you for continuing to dwell there! In the wonderful name of Jesus, Amen!
August 1st, 2008
On Sunday, August 3rd, the revival meetings will move to Ignited Church. Tomorrow, August 2nd will be the last meeting in the tent. Services will continue to be broadcast. Click on Ignited Church in order to see whether broadcast will be through IWorshiphere or GodTV. This is Pastor Stephen's official letter and this one's from Todd.
July 21, 2008
Special announcent by Todd Bentley concerning changes.
July 19, 2008
The Outpouring is Going to the Nations!
July 17, 2008
Todd Bentley will be back as of tomorrow, July 18!! Tonight, he will be ministering in Louisville, Kentucky which will be broadcast as well! For further infomation please go to injesus.com
July 11, 2008
A letter from GodTV concerning the break Todd Bentley is taking since yesterday.
July 9, 2008
"Can we avoid a Charismatic Civil War?" - a crucial question asked by J. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma Magazine, after being attacked from all sides for just calling the attention on some very specific items of the Lakeland revival. It was being interpreted in a way he never meant things. Yet apparently even these controversial reactions seem to have been predicted long before they actually happened.... Please read this article with an open heart and welcome what God is doing!
July 5, 2008
A short but 100% true word on ministering angels by Steve Shultz,
founder of the Elijah List.
June 28, 2008
Apparently, the problem is on my computer and Todd's website is working alright... Sorry. Still, his injesus-site is just as good!June 24, 2008
Todd's website seems to be having some problems right now. But you can read up-to-date articles at injesus.com here: Fresh Fire Ministries
June 22, 2008
Meditative contemplations
June 12, 2008
Read Todd Bentley's last personal letter from yesterday with the latest short news plus a free pdf booklet by senior editor and associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Regent University School of Divinity Dr. Gary Greig on misconceptions of revival.Todd also points out to another letter he wrote last week referring to angel "Emma", correcting some misconceptions on what he allegedly said.