Letter from Rory & Wendy Alec of GodTV
May 13, 2008
Be a part of the MIRACULOUS!
Dear friends,
We cannot begin to describe the impact on countless believers’ lives that the revival in Lakeland Florida is having right now.
You have read the testimonies of so many of our precious viewers who have been healed across the earth while watching Todd Bentley LIVE. If you too have been healed, please email us and let us praise God with you…
This truly is the supernatural television that God promised GOD TV!
In obedience to the Lord’s prompting, we have cleared the current GOD TV schedules to capture this outpouring for as long as possible. Only our heavenly Father knows where He plans to go with this revival and how long He will sustain this mighty demonstration of His Divine Power. So we as His body need to urgently seize this extraordinary opportunity now and support these broadcasts financially, as the Lord leads you.
Help us NOW to carry this revival to the outer ends of the earth and see what the Lord will do in the coming days!
The Body of Christ needs YOU… the lost world needs YOU.
Yours in spreading the revival.
Rory and Wendy
and the GOD TV Team.