women's hope international (whi) is an independent Swiss relief organization committed to helping women and girls with vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistula, injuries sustained during protracted childbirth without medical assistance. It was founded 2003 by Martin and Claudia Leimgruber, a physician and a midwife, who have both ministered before at WEC International (Worldwide Assignment for Christ http://www.wec-international.ch, in German only) in African Chad. They have close connections to "Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital" (Addis Ababa is Ethiopia's Capitol), founded over 30 years ago by Australian Reginald und Catherine Hamlin, both Christians and gynecologists. In the meantime, Mrs. Hamlin is over 80 years old and is still living there (http://www.fistulafoundation.org/hospital).
An evangelistic ministry in a ususal sense cannot be given. Still it is a Christian ministry that takes its mission for these suffering women out of Isaia 58 which says to lobby for justice and help for the most needy. The founders and board members of whi are all Christians. They are aware of the truth that complete healing can only come from Jesus. Thus they and a special prayer chain are praying regularly for this ministry. It is their desire for God to touch the hearts of these people by this charity and help, for example when Muslims are getting this kind of help from Christians.
These injuries happen during protracted childbirth without medical assistance and cause vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistula. This is a common occurrence in sub-Saharan Africa among teenager mothers with undeveloped or narrow pelvises. The result is bladder and/or rectal incontinence, with urine and stool being passed uncontrollably and permanently through an opening that has developed in the vagina. The women concerned are often rejected by society for this reason. WHO reckons that over 2 million girls and women worldwide suffer from these consequences of a childbirth during which the baby is usually stillborn, with an estimated 100,000 new cases each year. Female genital mutilation also brings forward the formation of fistula as the inelastic scar tissue of the vagina additionally complcates birth. About 85% of these women could be healed by an operation. Many do not know that this possibility exists, and most cannot afford such an operation. whi finances such operations through donations and makes it possible for these girls and women to return to a normal life in dignity and self-esteem. whi also promotes the training of local health workers as well as education and prevention among the local population. We have projects in Ethiopia, Chad and Guinea (under review). In their official Homepage, whi goes into more detail about this project. Please consider forwarding the web address to other interested people. I attach importance to this project; firstly, because of the assitance and help given to these women and secondly, because of the prevention work done for the restoration of the dignity of these women in those countries. If you would like to keep informed about the progress of the work, subscribe for a quarterly news update: http://www.womenshope.ch/english/kontakt_e.htm. October 5, 2006 / Birgit Barandica Eichberger, Mühldorf/Germany and Annette von Lerber, whi, Bern/Switzerland.
Depending on the severity of the injuries, the woman concerned may be healed with one simple surgery. With more complex injuries, several surgeries may be necessary. There are even some few cases where a complete healing cannot be achieved, but at least a clear improvement of life quality is possible. The surgery costs vary according to these differences. Moreover, the amount of charges depend of the country and institution performing the surgery. So, accepting a sponsorhip for surgery of 365 EUR (1 € per day and year) [the average equivalent of 1US$ per day and year], does not necessarily mean that an injured woman can be completely healed. Yet whi garantees that these donations will be used exclusively for the financing of these surgeries. Surgery sponsorships at whi are no individual sponsorships but project sponsorships aiming at healing as many childbirth injured girls and women as possible. This is why whi forbears from making personal contacts to the treated women, which then allows the organization to keep administrative costs low. Yearly reports published at whi give information on surgery sponsorships as well as the amount of enabled surgeries. Under http://www.womenshope.ch/english/lebensgeschichten_e.htm you can read the testimonies of treated woman, representing also other women who could be helped with surgeries by whi. You can become a surgery sponsor by checking the corresponding space and transferring 365 Euro or the corresponding monthly amount (see http://www.womenshope.ch/english/bankverbindung_e.htm). All donations with the amount of 365 Euro will be regarded as surgery sponsorships. |