UK Forced to Confront Fallout from New Laws as Discrimination of Christian Employee Goes before Tribunal

Teresa Neumann, Brea<king Christian News BCN, May 27, 2008

Lillian Ladele, (Photo: Daily Express)
(UK)—47-year-old Lillian Ladele is a Christian registrar who, after serving in that position for 16 years was called to testify before a government tribunal this week, because of her refusal to carry out non-traditional marriages for applicants requiring the service. According to a report in the Daily Express, Ladele had asked to be excused from conducting civil partnerships for homosexuals based on her "deeply-held religious beliefs." Her employers' response, however, was to threaten her with dismissal for gross misconduct if she refused.

Ladele reportedly wept before the tribunal as she stated her case saying she was being forced to choose between her Christian beliefs and her job. "I felt harassed and victimized," she said. "I was being picked on on a daily basis. There was no respect whatsoever for my religious beliefs. I felt like I was being thrown before the lions.

"I hold the orthodox Christian view that marriage is the union of one man and one woman for life and this is the God-ordained place for sexual relations. It creates a problem for any Christian if they are expected to do or condone something that they see as sinful. I cannot reconcile my faith with taking an active part in enabling same-sex unions to be formed. I believe this is contrary to God’s instruction that sexual relations belong exclusively between a man and a woman, within marriage."

Source: Nick Fagge - Daily Express

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