...We Answer

In the meantime, most of you will know Polly Gwinn with her knowledgeable and inspiring Bible Study articles here in WAYS OF LIFE. As so many people have so many questions on Bible Scripture which often don't need very long answers, Polly and I decided to open this YOU ASK-section. Up to now, the questions come from her many group members and are representative for almost all Christians in one way or another. Polly now also receives questions outside her group. So, whatever your questions on Bible Scripture, please don't hesitate to write them to her below indicated email address! Later, I will write them out here in ways that are not intrusive or violating to your privacy. And we hope that our answers will also be of interest for many of you, dear readers. If a certain question does not interest you, then please jump over to the next one!

Each one of the following Answer links contains a small number of questions plus their respective answer(s). As Polly hands the questions out to a small group of members, there might be more than just one answer. I will make a mention in brackets for each person answering other than Polly herself. I think it is very interesting to get answers from different persons with different aspects, angles and views. Just like Paul says in 1 Corianthians 13:9 and 12b, we now know in part!

Any question you might have regarding Bible Scripture, please write to Polly here:

Why don't you check out Polly's book Scripture Made Easy

AnswerSet 25 God picking some and others not? / Ezechiel 37,15-19, uniting the Northern and Southern Kingdom / Jesus born in a
cave? / Why did Abraham tithe? / Following ones heart? / Joseph's dream
AnswerSet 24 False gods and plagues / Genesis 31, Rachel stealing her father's idols / David's siblings / Isaiah 6:9-10, God's people did not listen / The first mention of Jesus second coming / Some Scriptures on hanging onto to Faith
AnswerSet 23 Serve others and give / Jesus is all there is / Micah 1:7 / Sins remembered? / It was Satan, not God testing Job / 2 Samuel 7, why Solomon built the Temple and not David
AnswerSet 22 Was Hagar Abaram's wife? / Legalism and NT way to approach the Thron? / Being open with each other / The second over the first / "The horn of Salvation"
AnswerSet 21 Proverbs 15:19, metaphor or antithesis? / Proverbs 10:3 - does God really not care about physical hunger? / Ruth placing herself in God's care / Biblical figures and tribes representing the world and God, like Ruth/Moab and Naomi/Israel
AnswerSet 20 Does God still punish after people forgive each other? / The relevancce of Haggai today / A kingdom
builder for Christ / Naaman, the leper
AnswerSet 19 Isaiah 7:15 - butter and honey / The Word of God will not change / God's supernatural miracles /
Respect toward fellow Christians and people in general / Prayer / Angels back then and in our time
AnswerSet 18 Ecclesiastes 3:5-6 - gathering and throwing away stones / Jacob & Rachel and lesson learned/ Laying at
the feet of Boaz / God's purpose with all Scripture / Scripture against being "miserable" / Psalm 47:2
AnswerSet 17 Provers 27:10 - friends and relatives / What's compromise?? / Jeremiah and Ezekiel / Worship in Spirit
and in Truth & Renewel / Zechariah 14:21 - the Canaanite in the Millenium / Judges and kings
AnswerSet 16 Deuteronomy 1:11 - Increase / Joshua 6 - Why walk around a city? / Greed / Footstool for His feet /
Exodus 11:4-5 - Death of the first born / Proverbs 31:21 - Taking good provision
AnswerSet 15 Difference between thanksgiving and praise / Deuteronomy 18:9-12, against Halloween / Selfishness /
Wealth / Idioms, figure of speech, expressions / Isaiah 43:10-11, the one and only God
AnswerSet 14 Asking God for everything??? James 4 / Being greatful / Live long or die before time? /
Assembly of the Lord /
Ezekiel 3:18-21, "Save yourself" / Being well-liked - for what reason?
AnswerSet 13 Biblical times / What the Bible has to say about 'fools' / Has the church has come to its end already?/
Revenge /
No weapon formed against me... / Did Moses, Jacob or Isaiah actually SEE God?
AnswerSet 12 Job had to be humbled / "Holy Mount of God" / Beings as described by Ezekiel / Jeremiah 16:16 /
Description of the word WISDOM / Psalm 116:15
AnswerSet 11 Repentance / Jesus' teachings / Perfect love / Millenium sacrifice / Isaiah 44 /
King Josiah and the wooden idols
AnswerSet 10 World peace? / Why is Satan Satan? / Who are God's people? / Principals to guide a Christian's life /
Being rejected by others / The wicked will not stand in judgement????
AnswerSet 9 Difference between "convinced" and "convicted" / Remedy for hopelessness and despondency /
Proverbs 27:6 / Jeremiah 8:8 / Zachariah 14:8 / God will never leave or forsake us
AnswerSet 8 Jeremiah 7:11-15 / Criticism / Jeremiah 23 / Being a servant / Jeremiah 23, once again /
Malachi 3:10-12
AnswerSet 7 Presence & power of God / Proverbs 14:1 / Ezekiel 5:9-12 / "Bringing sins to the foot of the Cross" /
The spirits of Jezebel and Leviathan / "Sowing discord"
AnswerSet 6 Obedience / Bible raading, preaching, outreach a MUST DO ? / High praise Sunday / Tombs broke
open after Jesus died / What was special about each desciple?
AnswerSet 5 Wives And Concubines In OT / "White" Lies? / Defeating Fear Through Love
AnswerSet 4 Isaiah 57:1 / Isaiah 28:10-13 / Friendship / Can A Sinner Praise God? / Pleasing God / Wasting
Your Mind?
AnswerSet 3 Marriage Ceremony and Life / Did Peter Go To Hell? / How Do We See Each Other In Heaven? /
Shadow Of Death, Psalm 23:4 / Alcohol / Slaves Or Servants
AnswerSet 2 Cremation or Earthly Burial / Passion for Jesus / Mormons and 7-days-Adventists / At Our Job /
Amos 5:10,12,15 / Jealousy.
AnswerSet 1 Arrogance / Priesthood of Aaron and of Jesus / Adultery and Leadership / God acting on behalf
Of A Person / Anger

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