
July 30 through September 12, 2005

I was not at home this last long weekend September 9 through 12, as I was at a pastors' meeting with my husband. And when we got back home, I found this update from Jeziel in my mailbox... But I uploaded her report anyway for you to know what she is up to.

September 12, 2005

Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. I'm through with my 2nd week in training and everything has turned out perfectly fine. I got perfect scores from my exams and it's really nice to know that God has been faithful to me.

After all the sleepless nights and the tiring week, I was able to go to my cousins house which is 1 hour from the training center. She will be leaving next week for Dubai and will be leaving her kids with her husband. I thanked God for giving me the opportunity to minister to her. I spoke to her what the Lord has impressed me to tell her and I prayed for her last night and I don't know if she would ever be changed but it's not anymore my duty to change her but the Holy Spirit. I know all things work together for good.

This morning, I travelled with my other cousin back to her home since she lives 2 hours away from the city. I praise God for the safe trip. And tomorrow at dawn I will be heading back for the city to take my cousin (the one that will leave for Dubai) and her family to church.

The place I am in now is like a province and it's a nice place to relax my mind from all the homework and exams.

Our class next week will be from Monday until Thursday. Our teacher gave us Friday as a day off to complete all our homeworks before our practicum starts. It's really exciting and fun. I am nervous though since that means greater task and higher standard of teaching. I am learning a lot here.

Please pray:

-- safe trip back to the city tomorrow (I will leave 4am)

-- strength and wisdom to finish all the homeworks

-- financial providence

Thank you so much for everything....

August 30, 2005

This is it - Jeziel is in Manila now! Here is her first report:


Thank you for all your prayers! I'm here in Manila now. I'm staying in YWAM (Youth with a Mission) Antipolo. God is good all the time. I praise Him for what He's been doing in my life. Today is my second of TESOL training and we have lots of activities. Class starts at 8am-4pm, Monday- Friday. The training is really intensive and it really needs focus. It's tiring but God is able to renew my strength. People from Youth With A Mission base are so nice. We are living in a christian community here. I praise God for the new experiences. It's awesome. There's an internet cafe just here in the base so I can still check my email. This place is far from the city so pollution is very far from me. I have new friends now. There are 12 of us who are in the training.

As for the financial aspect, I know God is able to supply my needs. He has been sufficient and more praises for He has truly proven His grace for me.

I miss my family for the first 3 days that I have been in Manila but God is the god of comforter, He never leaves me wherever I go so I am not worried about that. I am out of my comfort zone and God has been faithful all the way through. I will be going to my cousins house on Friday until Sunday since training would start Monday.

August 10, 2005

Jeziel has been accepted for a missionary training course! I still don't know the exact date for it, but most probably next month, she will be going to Manila in order to be taken under the wings of Southeast Asia Mission Teams (SEA MIST) for a month! This is a big missionary school. You can check it out at - it's a very interesting site.

Please pray for things to work out well and also for enough financial provision.

July 30, 2005


Last Sunday, we had our weekly youth fellowship and praise God we are increasing in numbers. We tried to divide the group since there are 30 youth now, so we did age bracketting. We were able to form 4 groups out of it and our topic was "Grace-not works", I guess most of you know what I mean, right? There are 4 group leaders--young people.. and the groupings helped us to elaborate more the topic.

Tomorrow, July 31, 5pm-8pm, we will be having our monthly joint youth fellowship. We do this every last Sunday of the month. What we do, is that we invite different churches from our area to come and join us, as we worship the Lord through music. Tomorrow will be a different activity. The aim for this monthly fellowship is to build friendships with other churches and to be united with them. God is working in the lives of the youth here, so please pray that God will work and that the new young people who do not know Christ will come to know the purpose of their existence.
