
October - November 2005

My dear friends and family,

1.. Sad days lie behind me, yet I am consoled, because I know that Laura is with Jesus. In a time of worship, I saw Laura for a short moment laughing and dancing in a very bright room. Many people of our church here in Colombia stood us by, consoling and encouraging us. I didn't know we had so many friends!

2.. Our ministry now has a counseling team of 5 people helping me a lot. It is people who love the children, visit them, pray for them, sometimes invite them out and even helped us financially, when times were rough. People who even take me into their arms when I'm sad.

3.. Diana, who some time ago went to work for the ministry of an american, wants to come back to us. For the time being, she is living with a friend of mine.

4.. The school term is almost over. Apart from one girl who is new in our ministry, all the others have passed. I really have to pronounce commendation for all the assistents of my team: They all have done a marvellous job helping the kids with their homework! Even youth with learning difficulties have made it thanks to their patience and help. Maria will finish schoolthis year and will start a job with the ministry of those norwegian missionaries who will go back to Norway in September 2006 and she will work as their aupair there. If things turn out fine, she will accompany me to Germany before in order to talk about her life. This will be probably by the end of June, when it is warm over there!

5.. Every year, we are having school fees for each child. This is between 70$ and 140$ per child plus school uniforms, books etc. Do you know of someone who would help us out with a Christmas donation? We also would love to buy Christmas gifts for the kids. Here, between 10$ and 20$ per kid would be fine. Please tell your neighbors and friends about it. We thank you already in advance for it.

6.. Cristian broke his arm. It had to be nailed. By the end of this month, they will take off the cast. Please help us pray for the bones to heal well.

7.. The girl, who had been abducted last May for 3 months, was able to escape. It is a miracleof God for her to be still alive. She has seen so much poverty and misery in the country and was being raped at night. She does not know the father of her child. She was 14 when she became pregnant. Last October 10, she turned 15. Her baby will be born in February 2006. She had to watch kids aged 10 to 11 being shot and others being sold for prostitution like cattle. There was a special price if someone bought more than one. Her mom is in my homegroup and was weeping as she had no money to pay for the medical examination. We didn't have a lot either. But I knew I was to help her. So I made an appointment for her with our gynecologist. She gave us 70% reduction. We paid 30$ for 3examations at different doctors - and all of that because the heart of this female gynecologist had been touched by God and spoke for us. Now this girl can go every moth to a check up and doesn't have to pay anything at all! They even give her free vitamines. She comes visiting us once a week for counseling and prayer.

8.. Luz Marina turned 20. Her baby boy will be born coming January.

9.. Personal issues: On the weekend where Laura had been hospitalized, I had attended a leader's meeting with our church. It dealt with inner healing of leaders. God has touched my life anew and I could let go of a lot of stuff inside that had concerned me alot these past weeks. Shortly, I will be appointed and approved as an official leader of our church, together with others.

Prayer requests:

a.. For all our kids to be able to pay theschool fees.

b.. For more doors and hearts to open here in Colombia.

c.. For God to give me the same mercy, power and wisdom He gave to Stephen according Acts 6:8 and 10, where it says: "Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people /v 8). ... but they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke (v 10)."

For you and all my dear ones, I hope for a blessed Advent season and I hug you all with lots of love,

Angelika Walker
