Here, we are having newsletters that Angelika sends every 2 months more or less. Each time,
they are packed with news, infos and prayer requests! Therefore, after receiving a new one,
I will build up an archive for the previous one so that you don't have to scroll too much.

I'd like to ask you to read this newsletter and take the prayer needs into your prayer time.
You are most welcome to use the Prayer Room to your left so that others can join in.

Newsletter # 7 for WAYS OF LIFE

News from Mercy Mission, Bogotá, Colombia
January - March 2007

Everything you say, think or do, do it for and with God, so that it
will come true and bring permanent fruit!

My dear friends in Germany and elsewhere,

A lot of new things have happened in these first 3 months of the year 2007. Please let me know about yourself also, I am very interedested in knowing how you are and what is concerning you.

January 2007
Our boys could at last relocate into a bigger house. I had already told you that they cancelled our contract because some neighbors complained about the noisy boys. Yet God gave uns something better for them!

New Kids
In the months of December and January we have accepted 4 new kids to stay with us:

Wilkerson, 14 years old. He is Miller Landi's brother. A boy who nobody liked. He came to us, starved and very uncared for. His mother has no income and enjoys lesbian relsationships. His dad doesn't want to know about him.

Manuel is 9 year old. He is Maria Fernanda's brother. Before he came to live with us, he was living in another facility that was more like a military camp than a home. Manuel tried to cut his arteries there. Whatever he does he does it very slowly. He has very deep thoughts.

Maria Judit is 14 years old. Four years, she lived with a foster mother who was paid by the state. Yet when she first came to us, she was weeping and told us about traumatic experiences in that house. When she was a little girl, the father was killed. The mother got together with another man who abused Judit sexually. Even today she has nightmares and cries each night. Since she was 7, she has an invisible friend in her fantasy who nowadays even talks to her since she believes in Jesus. He frightens her by telling her not to believe. We are praying for God to deliver her.

Yuri, 10 years old. Her report will come a little later. Here on this photo, she is celebrating her birthday for the very first time in her life - when she turned 10...

José, 13 years old, was able to at last get registered. His complete name is now: José Luís Sarmiento and his birth was dated September 11.

One of our most loyal, long-time staffer, Juán (62), would have almost died in February. He still needs to get oxygene, for his lungs don't work properly. Afterwards, he had trombosis in his head. He is still at hospital getting antibiotics.

Prayer hearings
* For several years, we were praying for a male staff. Now in February, we had three coming!! Absalon and Juán Carlos are from Bogotá.

Tobias came from South Germany on February 1st. He is 25 years old, has a long-time calling for Colombia and has many dreams.

I can only say "Thank you, Jesus" and be amazed at His loyalty! Also Johana, who came to us in February, is a prayer hearing. She is from our church and has ministered to some of our kids for quite some time already as a counselor.

* Finally healthy again!
After two months of a terrible unceasing cold I can now say that I feel very fine again since February!

* Missionary's appartment:
Wednesday, March 5, I was told by the house owners that I can either buy this appartment or I will have to move out, because they need the money for this house as soon as possible. Again, I am on the search for a new place...

* A new bed for the happy twins, thanks to an extra donation!

* All kids are back to school since February 2007, thanks to all regular and single donations. Thank you so much on behalf of all kids and staff of Mercy Mission!

* Dream time for Juán Carlos (he's a pastor), Tobias and myself on Wednesday, March 7, 2007. One evening after the day's chores, we were sitting at a table dreaming about ministring in the slum area and about small businesses and about how we can save money. Since I'm not dreaming alone any longer (which I didn't do in quite some time, to be honest), I got touched again by God's loyalty that He is putting people at my side who not only dream but also know what has to be done for those dreams to come true.

By the end of February, I heard of a very young father (he is 28 years old), living in the slum area, who has terminal bone cancer (he's getting morphium regularly so he can cope with the pain). Because of the regular treatments, where family members are helping him, his two kids Kevin, 4 years old, and Tatiana, 6, are left alone without regular food. We will be taking them in as soon as possible (we don't have pictures of the two kids yet). Together with another person from our church, we are praying regularly for healing for this father and his sister, who is also suffering cancer.
There is cancer history in this family for 3 generations already and many have died very young of it. The mother of these kids is living on the streets for 8 months now taking drugs. She is not interested in her family.

Since I am receiving 120,00 € on my salary account and 50,00 € on my personal account which both go into insurances, my church in Germany cannot pay any salary for me. Actually, I did not want to mention this subject. But I have to let you know that I am practically living from the money that goes into the donation account which doesn't show any determination for use. Whoever would like to help out, regularly or once, is welcome to do so. Please look here
Background & Contact.

What else we are thankful for:

* that you are thinking of us and pray for us and give.
* that we are having enough food each day and that we can provide for the kids.
* that God hears yours and our prayers.

What you can pray for:

* that we will be able to help even more people.
* for more people in your country to help advertise Mercy Mission.
* for our new kids to find sponsors.
* for our team here on site to work together in unity so that healing can take place in our kids.
* for health for Juán and this cancer stricken family.

Many greetings from all of us here!
Be blessed,

Angelika Walker


Oktober/December 2006

April 2006

December 2005/February2006

October/November 2005


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