
Easter Newsletter from Bogotá, Colombia

April 2006

1 Samuel 30:1-6 und 17-19: The enemies of David and the people of Israel burnt the town down and took the women and children into captivity. But the didn't kill anybody. David and his men came to the town. There, they raised their voice and wept until they could not weep anymore. David was in big distress. V.6 But David found strength in the LORD his God. V.18 David recovered everything the Amelekites had taken.

We, too, weep in difficult situations, this is just normal. But afterwards we need to ta<ke an important step: Seek strength in God! Give Him some of your time, seek His presence. Ask God what He wants you to do and wait until you receive His answer. David gained victory afterwards. Let us expect the same from God. I expect of Him to gain victory after 2 tearful months.

My dear Family and Friends,

How are you all? Spring is here again and the cold winter is gone. It's Easter time. Life, resurrection and victory come to my mind, when hearing these words.

What is new here with us?

Angelika will travel to Germany between June 27, 2006 and September 18, 2006. She wants to take advantage of visiting several churches talking about Mercy Mission. If the financial part can be solved, then 19 year old María Romero, an orphan girl who lives with her for alreday 4 years, wants to travel together with Angelika, talking about the Mission from her point of view. It is her dream to get a degree in education in order to later start a school for poor children. In case there is someone who'd like to support this project, please go to contact where you can find details on how to donate (with keyword "Angélica María Romero").

The girl on the front right is Angélica María Romero

Why do we still have to do so much?

There are 16 millionen children and youth under 18 years of age living in Colombia. Here I'd like some statistics get a word in edgeways - numbers that speak volumes:

* 2.542.863 children can't go to school in Colombia. That is 6,4% of the population.

* 4.016.189 are illiterate; that is 10,12 % of the population. 1.914.976 are under 18 years of age.

* Health: 65% of the children die in their first month.

* From 100 born babies only 73-74 have a birth certificate.

* In the year 2005, 3.600 kids aged 0-14 had Aids. Every year, 730 more kids have to be added.

* 25.000 children are being sexually abused.

* 15.000 children experience physical violence (all numbers of the year 2005).

* 14.000 children unvoluntarily become part of the rebel forces in the country.

* 200.000 children and youth work in the country side.

* 5.250 children were injured and dismembered by land mines.

* In the year 2005, 42.000 children lost their homes because of those rebel forces.

* 23% of those who have lost their homes are malnourished.

* 2.318.378 children and youth have to go for jobs.

* 9 out of 10 children who are working, are not being paid at all or underpaid.

* 200.000 children work in ore mines under big dangers .

Because of situations like these, we don't give up. Instead we say as did David: He found strength in the LORD his God.

Negative and positive things we have experienced in February and March:

* Whoever is working for God will also experience opposition and resistence. María, who on one hand causes us big joy, as she is working faithfully with a norwegian family, keeps lying and manipulating on the other hand. This has caused us to lose one of our staff members. She left us saying we are wronging María. By the end of March, María has rented her own little room outside her job.

* We were very short of money during the past weeks because of several repair works and the new school fees. Thank you so much for all donations for school books and uniforms. Unfortunately, not everything could be paid 100%ly yet.

* A good staff member of House # 2 has left us, because he was in need of a better pay. But God has provided us with a very good replacement staff.

* Marina's little boy Andrés Felipe, who is 2 months old by now, is developing very well and gives us big joy. Yet he still doesn't have a birth certificate, as his father does not show a lot of interest in him....

* Another staff member has given false testimonies toward leaders of our church which has caused a lot of hurting and tears. But in the meantime, things could be solved again, we were able to clarify the situation in talks.

* The mother of 2 of our girls has accepted Jesus as Lord over her life and was healed of 2 ulcers in her abdomen! I have seen the x-rays. Now she is joining us regularly in our small group.

* False testimonies against Juán, our most loyal staff member. After check-ups, a befriended psychologist has issued a very good official expert opinion about Juán.

* Someone who dislikes Simba, our dog, has denounced him of allegedly having a contageous illness. After check-ups, the vet has issued a written official expert opionion asserting the contrary.

* In the past weeks, some friends have provided us with shoes and food.

Please pray with us for the following concerns:

1. Victory in our financial area and enough money for the trip to Germany.

2. Wisdom in interacting with children and staff.

3. For the Word to become reality: that those that sow with tears, will reap with joy.

4. Means to be able to help more kids in need.

Have a very blessed Easter holiday and lots of joy as to the motto:

The Lord has risen, He has truly risen
as He has said.

Sincerely yours,
Angelika Walker
