This is
María Fernanda Beltrán Cerinza
She's still looking for sponsors

On this photo "Mafe" is 13 year old, sie was born on May 5, 1992. A staff member who often saw her on the streets, brought her to us. The girl had been very uncared for and was severely beaten by her mother. She was in danger to kill herself. Now she is happy to have enough to eat and a home. She can laugh again and look into her future with hope. She is a very good student and dancer. For some weeks already, her mother comes visiting our home group at church.

This is María Fernanda on her recent 14th birthday.

She turned into a beautiful young lady!

Truly a happy birthday party!

What could be in this little package??!!

This is the kind of laughter when someone feels well from within!

"Mafe" with the twin boys and Elkin, her home group leader.

This is her favorite thing to do: praise dance!

María Fernanda has 2 sponsors already. Yet the amount of about $30,00 is still missing. Who would like to help out?

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