This is
Angie Bautista Reyes

On this photo, she is 9 years old.

Angie's father is in prison for murder and rape. Her mom was not allowed to keep the kids, because she neglected them completely, and also because of assisted murder and concealment of the misuse of Angie's step sister Daisy. Angie had been raped several times by her grandfather. Both she and Daisy are attending psychological counseling.

This is Daisy.

Here she is 13 years old. She was raped and abused by her step father and 4 other men. Since she found peace here with us, she wants to stay and heal inside. She is a good student. There are more recent pictures of her on the next page.

Meanwhile, Angie turned 10 and developed...

... into a beautiful girl!

She loves to play...

... and also to pose for pictures!

They all love Angelika!

The serious side of life - but obviously, Angie and Jeison
enjoy wearing their school uniforms!

Playing frisbee with the twins Jeison and Camilo

The Christian Counter