This is José Luís Sarmiento

José is now 13 years old and could finally be officially registered. His name is now: José Luís Sarmiento and his birth was dated September 11. You can find our first photo from him and his story below.

He is Luz Marina's brother, who a year ago had her son Andrés Felipe.

He can be a true scallywag...

... but also serious and thoughtful.

José Luís is a real teenager with a great future; he is a very good student!

This is José. On this photo, he is about 11 years old (taken in 2005 some time). Nobody knows exactly when he was born and even his mom doesn't remember it. When he came to us, he had never seen a school from inside. His mom lives on the streets and rents a room at night in order to sleep. José had been with her on the streets until October '04. His sister Luz Marina, who is living with us for 8 years already, brought him to us. He enjoys going to school very much. This year, he was so good that he could proceed from grade 2 to grade 3. Before he first went to school, he learned to read and write within only 4 months and also some mathematics.

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