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Short Infos
July 31, 2008
Hamas leader's son becomes Christian, embraces Israel
Ryan Jones, israel today
The son of the leading Hamas figure in Judea and Samaria (the so-called "West Bank") said in an interview with Ha'aretz that he has converted to Christianity and repented of his sins for being an active part of a culture of hate and death that targeted God's Chosen.
Massab Yousef, son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, spoke to the Israeli newspaper from a cafe in California. He knows that he can never return to visit his family in Ramallah without facing certain death.
Saying that he now prefers to be called "Joseph," the young man urged his Jewish interviewer and the entire nation of Israel to beware of phony peace gestures by Hamas or any other Arab authorities that are ultimately guided by Islam.
"You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews," he said. "They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Mohammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death."
Massab said it is adherence to Islam that has turned Palestinian and wider Middle East Arab society into one that "sanctifies death and the suicide terrorists."
Massab's family later denied the report that he had become a Christian, and suggested that they are considering legal action against Ha'aretz.
said Graham. "Now my hope is that these people will not only know political freedom, but also have true spiritual freedom that can only come from God."
77,000 people from Romania, Hungary, and Serbia attended.The Christian Post reports that last weekend Romania welcomed its largest Christian event since the fall of its communist government. According to the report, nearly 77,000 people from Romania, Hungary, and Serbia gathered in the eastern city of Timisoara, Romania, to hear American evangelist Franklin Graham preach about salvation through Jesus Christ.
"When I was here with my father I didn't imagine that I would be able to come back and preach with complete freedom to so many people,"
By the end of the weekend, 3,922 people reportedly responded to the invitation to commit their lives to Jesus Christ.
The Romanian president, prime minister, governor and minister of culture and religion all thanked Graham for holding the event "and highlighted the positive impact such an event has on the hearts of the people."
May 25, 2008
Governor of Central African Republic Calls JESUS Film Team to Personally Thank them; Gives them Permission to Preach in all the Country's Towns and Villages
Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN
The report also notes that the region's governor called the JESUS film team to thank them personally, saying, "I congratulate you because of the miracles that your film is doing among those witches. Now your team and you have the responsibility to preach through your miracle JESUS film to all the towns and villages under my supervision."
Villagers watching the JESUS film(Central African Republic)Mission Network News (MNN) reports that witches in a village who saw the JESUS film were "convicted by the Holy Spirit, joyfully repented of their sins, experienced freedom from bondage, and turned their lives over to the Lord Jesus Christ."
The people in the area where the witches were operating reportedly now call the JESUS film "The Miracle Film."
Source: Staff - Mission Network News
Dr. K.P. Yohannan, president and founder of Gospel for Asia, referring to
yesterday's assassination of Bhenazir BhuttoDecember 28, 2007
GFA Leader Says Assassination Has
Global Repercussions
escerpt of ASSIST News Service
Dr. Yohannan pointed out that the Church, both in Pakistan and in other South Asian nations, is not separated from the larger society. "This situation affects the kingdom's work," he said, "making life more difficult for everyone.
"But it is my prayer that through this terrible event, the people of Pakistan and India will realize the need for a greater reality. I ask all Christians to join with me in praying for the people of Pakistan, and that God will use this crisis to open the eyes of those who do not know Him. We pray for the peace of the entire region," he added.
"Fear not" literally means
"Don't run away!"
Joyce Meyer
Please help us pray for more people in my country to come to Jesus, thank you!
December 3rd, 2007
Germany's Keenest Churchgoers
By Wolfgang Polzer, Special to ASSIST News Service
One in Five Protestant Worshippers Charismatic or Pentecostal
KASSEL (ANS) -- Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians are among Germany's keenest churchgoers. Although they make up only slightly more than one percent of all 26 million Protestants, they account for 20 percent of the worshippers on an average Sunday.
These figures were released during the annual gathering of the "Circle of Charismatic Leaders" meeting December 3 - 5 in Kassel. The 35 leaders represent approximately 300,000 Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians from main line, evangelical and independent churches.
The main line Protestant Churches have 25 million members on their rolls.. About four percent worship on a regular Sunday. Catholics in Luther's home country attend church in greater numbers. 14 percent of the 26.6 million Catholics go to mass on Sunday.
December 1st, 2007
"America's Legendary Daredevil," Evel Kenievel,
who was Baptized earlier this Year,
Dies at 69
Aimee Herd, Breaking Christian News BCN
"I don't know if it was the power of the prayer or God himself, but...
the power of God in Jesus just grabbed me. All of a sudden, I just believed
in Jesus Christ. I did, I believed in him!"
-Evel Kenievel
(Clearwater, Florida)Legendary motorcycle daredevil, Robert Craig "Evel" Kenievel, died on Friday, November 30, at the age of 69. According to a FOXNews report, Kenievel had struggled with poor health for a number of years, including diabetes, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and fallout from his many injuries from stunts and hard-living.
In early 2007, however, Kenievel had a transformation of sorts, when he accepted Christ and was baptized by Rev. Robert H. Schuller, at the Crystal Cathedral in California. His actions, and the message he shared that day, spurred one of the most impacting services held at the church, when nearly 800 people spontaneously came forward to recommit their lives to Christ, and be baptized on Palm Sunday. Click Here to read that story.
Kenievel left behind former wife and long-time partner, Krystal Kennedy-Kenievel, four children, ten grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.
November27, 2007
Townspeople Pray, Brain-dead Man Comes Back to Life
Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN
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(Frederick, Oklahoma)There's a miracle to report out of Frederick, Oklahoma. 21-year-old Zack Dunlap had been declared brain-dead after suffering severe head injuries from an ATV accident and was being prepped for an organ donation when he suddenly grabbed his nurse's arm. According to an NBC report, Dunlap's uncle, James Blackford, said, "God come down and give him a miracle. I believe that with all my heart." |
Source: Staff - NBC News
November 13, 2007
Archaeologist Discovers the
Wall of Tower Built by Nehemiah
Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN
Christians are being urged to help save the site.
(Jerusalem)Last week, archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar announced she had discovered remnants of the fifth century B.C. wall built by Nehemiah. She is reportedly urging Christians to help save the site. (Photo: present day wall in Jerusalem-WND)
According to a WorldNetDaily report, Mazar was working on an emergency project to shore up remains of an ancient tower when, she says: "Under the tower, we found the bones of two large dogsand under those bones a rich assemblage of pottery and finds from the Persian period. No later finds from that period were found under the tower."
Nehemiah described 10 gates in the wall around Jerusalem "as well as several towers designed to protect the entrances to the city, among them the Tower of the Hundred, the Tower of Hananel, the Tower of the Ovens, and an unnamed tower 'projecting from the upper house of the king at the court of the guard' in the vicinity of Mazar's most recent dig."
Source: StaffWorldNetDaily
November 3rd, 2007
Archbishop of York Tells Government They Must Recognize
the "Power of the Gospel" in Transforming Lives
Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN
(The U.K.)The Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu, is taking the government to task for failing to take advantage of effective Christian initiatives to solve the growing crime problem in the U.K. out of fear of being labeled religiously discriminating.
The Archbishop was quoted as saying that the government needs to recognize the "power of the Gospel" which has transformed former gang members into "model citizens."
Said Sentamu: "This has blinded the Government to the real worth that is actually being carried out by those groups whose values are rooted in the soil of faith. But if we are to be serious in tackling the challenges presented by these gangs, guns and knives, we need to examine and support those initiatives that have succeeded and where faith has played a major role, rather than minimizing the role of faith in transforming lives and communities."
October 27, 2007
Kidnapped Missionaries Let Go By Captors after Being Told They Would Not be Killed Because of Prayers being Prayed for Them
Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN
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(Johannesburg, South Africa)Mission Network News (MNN) has published a praise report after a missionary couple were "viciously carjacked and kidnapped" in Johannesburg this week. Noting that there are 50 murders a day and one rape every 40 seconds in the crime-riddled region, it is a praise report, indeed. |
Meanwhile, a world-wide e-mail had reportedly gone out asking for prayer for the situation. Suddenly, states the report, "The man who was holding them at gunpoint said to them, 'I was going to kill you, but you obviously have people praying for you and I am not going to kill you.'"
The uninjured couple was subsequently "dumped off" near their home and are praising God for His protection.
Source: Staff - Mission Network News
More and more evidence of the validity of Biblical accounts is being found!
October 24, 2007
Archaeologists Discover Layer of Artifacts
from First Temple Period in Jerusalem
Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN
![]() Fragments of ceramic tableware and animal bones. |
(Jerusalem)For the first time, archaeological remains dating to the First Temple Period in Jerusalem have been found on the Temple Mount. "The layer is a closed, sealed archaeological layer that has been untouched since as early as the eighth century BC," said Yuval Baruch, the Jerusalem District archaeologist for the Israel Antiquities Authority. (Photo: JPost.com) |
Source: Etgar Lefkovits-Jerusalem Post
October 23rd, 2007
Christian Satellite Programming in Iran
Exceeding Expectations
Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN
Another Christian (name withheld for security reasons) said, "I hear people say, 'everyone is watching SAT-7.' One in every three people who contact SAT-7 PARS tell us they have made a personal decision to follow Christ. Another third have questions, and then go on to make such a decision to follow Christ. That's two out of every three. It's really amazing. God is at work!"
It is noteworthy that the programs televised in Iran are not western programs, but rather are created by and for the Iranian people.
Source: DeMoss NewsPond
October 21st, 2007
Delegates to European Evangelical Alliance Assembly "Visibly
Moved" as Turkish Rep Weeps Over Deaths of Martyred Friends
Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN
"We're sad but we don't hate."
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(Evia, Greece)The Christian Post reports that the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA)'s annual assembly opened on the Greek island of Evia this week. According to the report, Zekai Tanyar, of the Evangelical Alliance in Turkey, "wept as he spoke of the shock he had felt at the time of the killings of Tilman Ekkehart Geske of Germany and Necati Aydin and Ugur Yuksel of Turkey in their Bible publishing office in |
"It was as if suddenly all hell had been let loose," he said. "I couldn't believe it. Sometimes I still can't...we're sad but we don't hate."
Conference delegates, visibly moved by Tanyar speech, noted that the church in Turkey is "suffering from a sense of tiredness," and covets the prayers of the Body of Christ.
Source: Maria Mackay - Christian Post
Please also check out our link to a song composed by some of our turkish brothers in Switzerland, expressing forgiveness while they were mourning over those terrible murders.
October 21st, 2007
Officially Atheistic China Promises
to let Religion Play a Positive Role in Country
Aimee Herd, Breaking Christian News BCN
"...the Communist Party will now encourage religion to play a positive role 'in promoting economic and social development' in the future instead of crushing religions."
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(China)In China, whereat least the governmenthas been declared as "officially atheistic," the coming Olympic games to Beijing in 2008, may be impacting the country in spiritual ways. (Photo: AP Images / Xinhua, Wang Song) Officials are making an effort, says Ye Xiaowen, director-general of the State |
The Olympic games may have provided the catalyst for a positive change, but that's not where it stops. Apparently, the Communist Partyaccording to Yeis set to encourage religion, instead of crushing it, and that religion could play a positive role "in promoting economic and social development" in the future.
Read the full report from the Christian Post by accessing the link provided.
Source: Michelle Vu - Christian Post
It's about humility -
not humiliation!
September 22nd, 2007
Cable System Stopping Christian TV Network
translated from German Evangelical Newsagency idea
J e r u s a l e m (idea) - In Israel, a Cabel networking company banned a major Christian TV network from their net, who broadcast missionary advertisments directed towards Jews
According to own reports, HOT Cable System felt urged in taking this step against worldwide operating Christian network Daystar after receiving several viewer complaints. Daystar program contains a 15 minute Ad, produced by Phoenix based Jewish Voice Ministries. According to own reports, they want to take the gospel "to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles". HOT, reaching around 1 million households in Israel, cancelled their contract with Daystar only one month after prolonging it, reimbursing all prepaid fees. Daystar will now take legal action againt the removal from the cable network. "You can't close down a TV station just because it's Christian," says lawyer Amir Vitkon. Israeli inspecting authority for cable and satellite TV has not yet decided on this clash. Daystar programs can still be received in Israel by satellite. As to their own statements, the Dallas, Texas based media network is represented in 200 countries.
September 15, 2007
Florida Churches Unite to Defend the Use of Jesus' Name
in Prayer in Local Hospital
Teresa Neumann, Breaking Christian News BCN
(Florida)The recent dismissal of chaplain Danny Harvey from Leesburg Regional Medical Center in Leesburg, Florida, for praying "in Jesus' name" has brought many churches in the area togetherin Jesus' name.
Said Pastor John Kimer: "We're uniting all the churches under the name of Jesus Christ. We have almost every denomination in this area, and we're coming together under one name, which is Jesus," adding that "the public outcry against the hospital was so great the CEO already had to resign." (Photo: WND)
To read more about how the churchesboth Catholic and Protestantare working together to defend their right to use the Savior's name in prayer, click on the following link.
Source: WND Staff-WorldNetDaily
September 12, 2007
Israeli Archaeologists Discover 2,000-year-old
Escape Tunnel in Underground Jerusalem
Aimee Herd, Breaking Christian News BCN
(Jerusalem, Israel)As Israeli archaeologists were excavating to find the ancient main road in Jerusalem, two weeks ago, they were surprised to find much more than just a road. Following a small drainage channel, they were led to discover a huge tunnel running under the road, which is believed to have been an escape route for many Jews during the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70 AD.
"We were looking for the road and suddenly we discovered it," said Eli Shukron of the Israel Antiquities Authority. "And the first thing we said was, 'Wow.'"
The remarkable tunnel, reportedly, has portions of the original plaster remaining, as well as man holes and walls that reach nearly 10 feet high in parts. To read more on this discovery, and to see photos of the tunnel, follow the link provided.
Source: Amy Teibel-AP
September 7, 2007
Warning: US Americans are to become Muslims
German Evangelical Newsagency idea
W a s h i n g t o n (idea) - In his latest video message, terrorist leader Osama bin Laden made the religious motivation of radical terrorism very clear.
In this recording marking the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, the leader of terror network Al Quaida called on American citizens to convert to Islam if they want to avoid further attacks. The hostage takers of the likewise radical Islam Taliban in Afghanistan had shot dead a South Korean Christian for refusing to convert to Islam. Other men among the 23 hostages were beaten for the same reason.
August 30, 2007
Franklin Graham Festival Breaks Records in Ecuador
with 16,177 Responding to Invitation to Put
Their Faith in Jesus Christ
Michelle Vu/TN, Breaking Christian News BCN
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(Ecuador)The Christian Post reports that evangelist Franklin Graham made history this past weekend by attracting a crowd of 185,674 people to the Festival of Hopethe largest evangelical event in Ecuador's history. According to the ministry's report, by the final night, some 16,177 people responded to the invitation to put their faith in Jesus Christ. "Each time we go to a different city we have no idea how many people will come, if the |
Samaritan's Pursea Christian relief organization headed by Graham is reportedly feeding 1,500 Ecuadorian children a day and has provided medical care for more than 50,000 people.
Source: The Christian Post
These news really make me sad.... They should try this with the Qu'ran....
The Bible seems to be good for everything???
August 26, 2007
Smugglers Love The Bible As Hiding Place For Drugs...
German Evangelical News Agency idea
L a g o s / T e m a (idea) More and more often smugglers are using the Bible as a hiding place for drugs. The most recent case is being reported from Nigerian city of Lagos, where customs officers suspected a parcel addressed for Germany. Inside they found a copy of the Holy Book together with 90 grams of cocaine among the pages.
A 40 year old Nigerian male wanted to post this intoxicant parcel to a fellow countryman in Berlin via an international parcel service, using a fake sender address. Another trick was being used by two Korean males in Ghana. They had placed 18 packs of cocaine inside Bibles, trying to get them into the country via the port town of Tema. Their attempt to bribe the suspicious customs officials with USD 10.000 failed. Realizing they would not get by with their hot load, both Koreans fled, leaving their car behind by which they intended to enter the country. The term "Bible-Cocaine" has already become wellknown within African security circles.
July 9, 2007
God Answers Prayer of Man Stalked by a Bear
Megan Holland/TN, Breaking Christian News BCN
(Alaska)Recently, while on a hike on the Coastal Trail in Kincaid Park with a friend, 24-year-old, Anchorage-born Jeremiah Banks encountered a black bear that stalked the pair for nearly a half an hour. Asked what he did to elude the bear, the Christian man said he "just prayed."
"God, you need to put that bear up in that tree right now," he is reported to have prayed. At that moment, notes reporter Megan Holland, the bear scrambled up a tree.
According to a report in the Anchorage Daily News, on average, Kincaid recreation supervisor Bob Hughes said there are reports of only a couple of bear sightings a year. (Photo courtesy of JEREMIAH BANKS)
Rick Sinnott, an area biologist with the state Department of Fish and Game, believes that type of bear behavior crosses the line and indicates that it is time to hunt and "put down" the errant bear. To date, the bear has not been captured.
Source: Anchorage Daily News
Prayer is to enjoy God!
Mike Yaconelli
May 8, 2007
Northern Nigeria:
Christian Schoolgirls To Wear Veils
by Evangelische Nachrichtenagentur idea,
German Christian News Agency idea
translated by Birgit Barandica Eichberger
As the International Organization for Human Rights (IGFM/Frankfurt, Germany) informed, this was ordered by govenor Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau (Kano). All schools will have to comply with the Muslim dress code now. After his election in 2003, Shekarau had announced that he would follow a strict version of Sharia, the Islamic law system. Shortly afterwards, he introduced Islamic dress code first for state run schools. He does not expect private schools not to stick to his orders, the governor warned. He said his aim is to increase moral. Kano is one of the twelve Nigerian states to introduce Sharia. The southern part of the country is mainly populated by Christians.
Archeologists find Herod's tomb
israel today
Israeli archeologists from Jerusalem's Hebrew University announced on Monday the discovery of King Herod's grave and tomb at an ancient fortress complex south of the Israeli capital.
The team that conducted the successful dig was led by Professor Ehud Netzer, a noted expert on King Herod. The tomb was found at the Herodium palace fortress that Herod built some seven miles south of Jerusalem.
Herod ruled Judea as a vassal of the Roman Empire for 34 years. He is credited with a major expansion of the Temple Mount complex in Jerusalem, as well as the construction of Masada and the Mediterranean town of Caesarea.
Toward the end of his reign, a paranoid Herod had hundreds of male babies slaughtered after hearing that the Messiah and future king of Israel had been born in nearby Bethlehem.
April 22nd, 2007
Women in China forced to have abortions, reports Christian Aid Association
Read original article here
April 1st, 2007
Discovery of First Temple Wall Strengthens Claim to Site of King David's Palace
Etgar Lefkovits/TN, Breaking Christian News
Archaeologist says it is "the largest site from King David's time ever to have been discovered."
The Jerusalem Post reports that a wall from the First Temple was discovered less than two years after Israeli archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar said she discovered the location of King David's palace just outside the walls of the Old City. The find strengthens the claim that the site is, indeed, that of King David's palace.
Reporter Etgar Lefkovits notes that the monumental 10th century BC building found by Mazar in 2005 "ignited debate among archaeologists about whether it is indeed the palace built for the victorious David by King Hiram of Tyre as recounted in Samuel II:5."
According to the report, Mazar estimates less than a quarter of the entire wall has been uncovered so far, and says that it is the largest site from King David's time ever to have been discovered.
Source: Jerusalem Post
March 12, 2007
Youngest Son of Franklin Graham Injured In Iraq
Christian World News
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) - The Reverend Franklin Graham says his youngest son, an Army Ranger, has been injured in Iraq. The evangelist recently told an audience in Toronto about Captain Edward Graham's injuries. Franklin Graham's spokesman, Jeremy Blume, told The Charlotte Observer that the 27-year-old West Point graduate got shrapnel in his arms, legs, and back. Blume said the injuries were not life-threatening and that Edward Graham was recovering at a hospital.
Captain Edward Graham is the grandson of the Reverend Billy Graham.
Teens Rally for Biblical Morality in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - At a weekend rally in San Francisco, more than 20,000 Christian teenagers have pledged to follow Jesus rather than the lure of popular culture.
Some of the participants in the BattleCry rally held up a large banner that said "Homosexuality is sin" on the busy street outside the downtown stadium.
Inside, teens raised their voices in prayer and roared their approval to Christian rock bands.
On Friday, about 1,000 teens took their "reverse rebellion" against immorality to the steps of San Francisco City Hall, where a much smaller group protested the BattleCry event.
Two more BattleCry events, in Detroit and Baltimore, are scheduled this spring.
February 27, 2007
Police Detain Families after Anti-Christian Attack
VOM excerpts from their present Prayer email
Police detained Christian families in Upper Egypt and forced them to deny arson attacks on their homes during an outburst of anti-Christian violence last week. Two Coptic Orthodox families have said police detained them for 36 hours when they attempted to report a February 13 assault on their homes in Armand, 373 miles south of Cairo. The fires came five days after Muslim groups set four Christian-owned shops alight on February 9. It is believed hostilities began over accusations that Christians were blackmailing Muslim women to convert. Authorities detained Christians when they tried to report the February 13 arson attack on their homes.
Military Government Asks for List of Christians
VOM Sources
The government in Burma has again asked for lists of all the names of Christian children's homes, assemblies, church pastors, leaders, members and families. The military government has also fixed the time for worship which forbids Christians to meet outside these "official" times. Christian leaders in Burma do not know what the government is going to do with the lists.
February 21st, 2007
Muhammad Descendant Converts to Christianity
by Streams of Revival, Charisma online
Sedar Dedeogluwho claims to be a descendant of Muhammad’s daughter, Fatima, and her husband, Alihas converted to Christianity and is now seeking refuge in Germany. Dedeoglu is currently involved in Christian outreach to Muslims, and his life has been threatened continually since his conversion. Many Muslims say his apostasy is a direct insult to the prophet Muhammad, Assist News Service (ANS) reported. In 1997 Dedeoglu moved to Germany to find asylum because of political persecution from the Kurdish minority in Turkey. Four years later he and his family converted to Christianity and are now members of an evangelical Brethren Church, ANS said. “We should rejoice that such a person has become a Christian, and we should avoid any actions that could put his life in additional danger,” said Oswald Sitter, the family’s attorney. Despite the threats on the Dedeoglu family, the German courts have repeatedly rejected their asylum applications. The courts say that Christians are free to practice their religion in Turkey. Sitter says if the family returns to Turkey their fate would most assuredly be death. Because of the family’s prominence in Turkey, Sitter says the German government can’t overlook their extraordinary circumstances. The Dedeoglu family is hoping stay in that country as a “case of hardship,” ANS reported.
Mistakes are the guaranteed consequences of wild abandon.
Mistakes are signs of growth.
That is why the Old and New Testament
are full of people who made mistakes.
The church should be the one place in our culture
where mistakes are not only expected but welcomed.
Mike Yaconelli
February 11, 2007
Significant Rise in Christianity in China, Especially With Youth, According to Poll Conducted by Shanghai Professors
By end of 2006, "40 million, compared with the official figure of 16 million in 2005."
BBC Staff/TN
The BBC reports that the number of religious believers in China could be three times higher than official estimates. According to a poll conducted by Shanghai university professors, 31.4% of people above the age of 16 considered themselves to be "religious." The official China Daily called their work the "country's first major survey on religious beliefs".
The report states the survey found "a significant rise in Christianity - accounting for 12% of all believers, or 40 million, compared with the official figure of 16 million in 2005."
Professor Liu Zhongyu, who helped carry out the survey, is quoted as saying the average age of religious believers had fallen, with two-thirds of those in the poll who considered themselves religious aged between 16 and 39.
"This is markedly different from the previous decade, when most religious believers were in their 40s or older," he said in the Oriental Outlook magazine, which published the survey.
Source: BBC
Arab Vision produces first Tunisian Christian TV series
Inspire magazine, UK
Christian broadcaster Arab Vision has recently completed its first television series for Tunisians by Tunisians. It is the first time Tunisian Christians, who are still resident in their country, have made their appearance on TV.
The 26 episode series came about after many delays and setbacks. “Progress was slow at times,” reports the producer of the series. “It felt like a spiritual battle with things going wrong and everyone getting sick during the recording sessions. We had to pray together every day to overcome the daily challenges.”
Arab Vision’s International Director is delighted with the results in this the 10th year of the Arab company’s foundation. “I confess to some feelings of pride. I know I should say thankfulness . . . but to have produced the first ever TV programmes, with Tunisian Christians who actually live in Tunisia, is thrilling. Never before were Tunisian believers prepared to so publicly confess their faith. I believe that for the Church of Tunisia, this is a new dawn.”
January 10, 2007
Evangelists Attacked by Taliban; One Killed; Two Injured
by VOM Sources (Voice of the Martyrs)
On January 2, 2007, two evangelists working with Muslim converts in the dangerous Northern areas of Pakistan were attacked by the Taliban. One of the men was shot and killed instantly, two other Muslim friends were wounded and one escaped. The Taliban has since sent threatening calls to one of the evangelists. Since the police in this area favor the Taliban, pray for God's protection for these brothers and for healing for those wounded in the attack. Pray this situation will bring these Muslim brothers into fellowship with Jesus Christ. Also, pray God would comfort the family and friends of the brother who was killed, assuring them their loved one has received a crown no one can take away. Revelation 3:5,11
January 2nd, 2007
It’s Time for the War Horse to Be Released
by Streams of Revival, Charisma online
James Goll, founder of Encounters Network, speaks of a return to spiritual warfare. He believes the Lord is calling forth His "war horse" - a band of humble intercessors who will fearlessly and relentlessly fight against the powers of darkness with their prayers.
The global prayer movement will re-embrace spiritual warfare as a warrior anointing is mingled with the bridal revelation of the last few years. Job 39:19-25 gives us a description of the war horse of the Lord. He is: (1) strong and mighty; (2) fearless; (3) relentless; 4) majestic and beautiful. Impartation and teaching about topics such as the believer's authority in Christ, the keys of the kingdom and judicial intercession will be revisited and affirmed. It is time for the war horse of the Lord to march forth. The time will be marked both by escalating wars in the natural and by an intensifying of the war between the soul and the spirit in the body of Christ. The good news, though, is that the powers of darkness will take a heavy hit as humble intercessors are ignited with the gift of faith to war in the spirit realm.
God doesn't call the qualified.
He qualifies the ones He calls!
January 5, 2007
Ministry Reports ‘Revival’ in Iran
by Charisma online
A Europe-based ministry to Iran says an “unprecedented” revival is occurring in the predominantly Muslim nation. “Every month literally hundreds (if not thousands) are meeting Christ as their Saviour and King,” said a spokesman from the ministry, whose name was withheld because of security concerns. “Many house churches are being established, tens of thousands of Bibles, New Testaments, DVDs and Christian resources are being distributed. …. House churches are established and Christian presence noted in 29 cities in Iran! This is truly a revival; the heart of the nation is turning toward Jesus Christ.” The revival is being attributed to the number of Iranians who are watching Christian TV or connecting to Christian Internet sites. Ministry leaders say they now need leaders to disciple the masses of people coming to Christ in Iran.
It’s Time for the War Horse to Be Released
by Charisma online
James Goll, founder of Encounters Network, speaks of a return to spiritual warfare. He believes the Lord is calling forth His “war horse”a band of humble intercessors who will fearlessly and relentlessly fight against the powers of darkness with their prayers.
The global prayer movement will re-embrace spiritual warfare as a warrior anointing is mingled with the bridal revelation of the last few years. Job 39: 1925 gives us a description of the war horse of the Lord. He is: (1) strong and mighty; (2) fearless; (3) relentless; 4) majestic and beautiful. Impartation and teaching about topics such as the believer’s authority in Christ, the keys of the kingdom and judicial intercession will be revisited and affirmed. It is time for the war horse of the Lord to march forth. The time will be marked both by escalating wars in the natural and by an intensifying of the war between the soul and the spirit in the body of Christ. The good news, though, is that the powers of darkness will take a heavy hit as humble intercessors are ignited with the gift of faith to war in the spirit realm.