Praise the Lord, oh my soul,
and forget not all his benefits.
- Psalm 103:2
Personal Experiences
This is the place for you to write about your experiences with the Lord. So if you have a testimony you'd like to share with us, don't hesitate to write it down and send it to us here. Write "Testimonies" in the reference line.
So, here you go!
After A Long Walk Astray, Jesus Finally Saved Me B.D.
Life Begins at 50 Jeremy Reynolds for Harold Eansor
Learning To Listen To God's Voice In Daily Life Christabel Pharao
Drugs, Alcohol And Gangsta Rap - And Where Is God? Arthur Baricz
God Working Miracles In Different Situations Christabel Pharao
A Mother Pleading Desperately For Her Son H. B.
God Makes People Whole! Carmen H.
Write down your own testimony!
A Pregnancy That Could Well Have Ended Differently
Uli Rudhof
God, Our Savior In Every Aspect Margaret Reid
Amazing Experiences At A Swiss Teenager Camp
Annette von Lerber Nyffenegger
God's Saving Hand In Worst Situations Chantal Fourrier
A Happy 2nd Vow! Lyell & Grace Bishop
Jeannie's Touching Story Jeannette Schultz
A Happy Baptism Lyell & Grace Bishop
Jesus Saves From Bondage Bobby Tews
Jesus The Victor Anabel*
The Cut-Off Fingertip Katrin B.
A "non-smoking" miracle Birgit Barandica Eichberger
Back problems Birgit Barandica Eichberger
* name changed